Hosting a copy of Marp slide deck on the web
Deployed at:

Check out the Marp App at:

Marp CLI || Marp for VS Code + GitHub Pages
👉 The easiest way to host
your Marp deck on the web.
Experiment. Is it right for you?

GitHub Pages

Ready to write & host your deck!

Use this as template

Sample source code experiment:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import json
import requests
    ipaddress = input("ip address: ")
    url = "{}".format(ipaddress)
    response = requests.get(url)
    jsonstr = json.loads(response.text)
    print("Hostname\t: {}".format(jsonstr['hostname']))
    print("City\t\t: {}".format(jsonstr['city']))
    print("Country\t\t: {}".format(jsonstr['country']))
    print("Location\t: {}".format(jsonstr['loc']))
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed this run. Error: {} -- {}".format(e, (sys.exc_info())))

marp-cli created by Yuki Hattori

Forked here (mccright)

# ![bg opacity](./assets/gradient.jpg)


<style scoped>a { color: #26c; }</style>

This is presenter note. You can write down notes through HTML comment.

![Marp bg 60%](

![bg right 60%]( ## **[Netlify](** #### Ready to write & host your deck! [![Deploy to Netlify h:1.5em](./assets/netlify-deploy-button.svg)]( --- ![bg right 60%]( ## **[Vercel](** #### Ready to write & host your deck! [![Deploy to Vercel h:1.5em](]( ---

