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Collection of reusable references

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Remember: If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product.
and “Things can be different…

“However the future unfolds, it’s not something to be predicted, like the passage of a comet. It’s something we build.” by Robert Kunzig - behind a National Geographic paywall
“What matters most, is what people, human people, we, do. not what other people do…” Timothy Holborn
“The fact that there are pressures and costs does not absolve people of their moral responsibility. The primary custodian of one’s actions is oneself.” Noam Chomsky Tue, 3 Apr 2018 - quoted by Timothy Holborn
“A lie is a fiction made up to take away someone else’s power.” Elizabeth Mitchell, Guernica Magazine. Essay/Lit World/Politics, January 15, 2021
Core Values Matter: Guiding principles shape our lives – don’t drift, choose your priorities

This is a collection of reusable references. Hosted at:

Putin’s war:

Trump’s Indictments:

Back to the References

Cheat Sheets

First and foremost: a couple git cheat sheets

Just get started…
git remote -v (view the full addresses of your configured remotes)
cd into your new project directory
git init (builds a .git directory that contains all the metadata and repository history)
git add . (instructs Git to begin tracking all files within and beneath the current directory)
git commit –m’This is the first commit’ (creates the permanent history of all files, with the -m option supplying a message alongside the history marker)

Rename your old github repo ‘master’ branch to ‘main’

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

Tell Me About



Sears catalog of Linux software – Awesome Linux Software

Manage Your Privacy

Software Vulnerability Detection Resources

Architecture Risk Analysis

Web Application Vulnerability Analysis and Pen Testing

Pen testing Linux distros

BPF Tools

Explore your Live Linux Kernel Image - Berkeley Packet Filters & eBPF

Online Scanners

General Secure Programming







DOS/Windows Shell

Information Sources for your Security Investigations

A starter list of information sources for your security investigations & integrations:
(Thank you

Math and Statistics

Text to Speech / Speech to Text

Random Cheat Sheets

Several Tech Company Research & Security Blogs

Respect software author’s license decisions

Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns

Verify those shortened URLs

Find the code you need

Then copy & morph

Risk Management Frameworks

Stay Informed

(in no particular order - and thank you Joe Fleischman for the starter set)

Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Temporary list for new work tools

Bash Shell

Misinformation / Disinformation are Rampant – Check Those ‘Facts’

This is a subset of the longer list at:

Development Environment on a Mac

There is probably some free training for that…

Quantum Computing Resources

Here are some resources to learn more about this topic:

Temporary list for work tools or other resources requiring more follow-up


Projects associated with Novel Corona Virus - COVID-19


WIKI-like platforms for easy sharing (On your private, safe network)

Broadly Reusable Advice